Thursday, September 8, 2011

High Tech Photo Booth

I've always been so jealous of people that have an amazing photo studio and light box in their home...until now. I'm sure they spent a lot more on creating perfect photos for their ebay sales, while I chose to go the free route.  I recently learned this trick from Naomi Wong, a photographer that did our newborn photos at our home.

She had a professional sheet holder thingy, but I'm using my handy laundry hanger that was sitting unused in my garage. (I never line dry or hang my washed clothes up before they wrinkle. I'm just not that kind of girl).

I hung a white sheet that we "borrowed" from a local hotel a while back. Yes, that's ghetto. But there's a perfectly good explanation. I'm just not going to get into it.

Then I placed my dressmaker form in front of the sheet, waved my magic wand and got this....

Oh yeah! Just like the experts.

Meanwhile, my trusty assistant took a nap on the bed. LOL, look at all the packaging materials around him. You can tell he was working hard. ;)

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