Thursday, December 29, 2011

Good Karma

Sometimes buyers really piss me off. There. I said it. I don't get why they make a best offer and then don't pay when it's accepted.

For example, the sweater below was listed in my shop for $45. I received an offer from a buyer the MONDAY before Christmas and she wanted to receive the item by FRIDAY. She went on and on about how much she loved the sweater blah blah blah. So I accept her offer, inform her that Express Mail is the best guarantee for shipping and thank her in advance for her quick payment. Except she never paid. Not sure why my phone shows it as paid, because it was clearly never paid.

Fast forward to a week later. No payment. It's the week after Christmas. She clearly does not need it anymore.

Rather than force her to pay through an unpaid item dispute, I kindly requested to cancel the transaction. Bummed that I wouldn't be getting rid of another bulky sweater and not banking the $25, the cancel transaction was approved about an hour ago. Haven't had a sale in two days and was feeling kind of down.

I just checked my email again (approximately 10 minutes ago now) and found an instant payment notification for this lovely item below. Paid $5 for this guy back in July and had to wrestle it away from my two year old and hide it in the back of a closet.

I also sold this Power Rangers toy a couple weeks ago. Yep, bought this one for $5 as well from the same sale.

Moral of the story: Be kind to others and you may be rewarded generously. Wishing you a wonderful New Year with much properity from selling castoffs in the coming year!

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